Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Senior Solutions Challenge Release

Okay, the challenge has been released!

I've linked the challenge document on the sidebar.  It is also on Google Docs.  This is a document we all need to study and become very familiar with.

The game designer has a YouTube video in which he discusses the missions:

It is also linked on the sidebar here for future reference. There are two other official videos you should watch.  First, the challenge release video:
And second, interviews with the challenge experts (this is less than 7 minutes):

Monday, August 27, 2012

Here are four YouTube videos that I think are fairly good examples of robots from last year. Some have simple attachments, some have large and complicated attachments.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First field setup build session

We only had three team members at the meeting Thursday, but these guys got three of the Senior Solutions field setup structures built by the end of the day.  Watch the time-lapse video (24 seconds, 2.9MB, .m4v):

And if you want to be a team videographer, just offer - we'll try to get you set up.